Integrated Water Resource Management and Multi-Use Development Project in the Senegal River Basin (PGIRE)
The project concerns the “Hydroagricultural” sub-component of PGIRE II including the cleaning and maintenance work of 4.186 km of hydraulic axes on both banks of the Senegal River delta
The contract has been divided in two lots:
- lot 1 covers 2.9 km of hydraulic axes between Djebendou and upstream RTH (lot 1) in Senegal,
- lot 2, we have been awarded, concerns the execution of the cleaning and maintenance work of 1.3 km of hydraulic axes on the Mauritanian bank (Meissoukh).
The aim is to reduce the vulnerability of the Senegal River basin to climate change, by combating invasive plants, restoring ecosystems and reducing the risk of flooding.
Our mission(s)
- Detailed preliminary design studies (APD)
- Preparation of tender documents (DAO)
- Control and supervision of the works