ITER Project
TPF signed a contract with Ferrovial Agroman in the framework of the ITER Project - Design and Build package TB07
ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is the world's biggest nuclear fusion project but also a very complex engineering project.
Its objective: to be the first fusion device to test the integrated technologies, materials, and physics regimes necessary for the commercial production of fusion-based electricity
TPF participated in this project in the design and implementation of:
- the Water Treatment Facility (PBS 63-64),
- the Cold & Hot Basin and Cooling Towers structure (PBS 63-67),
- the Cooling Water Pumping Station support structure (PBS 63-68),
- the Heat Exchangers support structure (PBS 63-69),
- the lnfrastructure works (PBS 61),
- the Gallery SR.
Our mission(s)
Design of the construction and execution projects related to package TB07